Pastoral care and wellbeing development
Beyond the classroom: Embracing pastoral care and wellbeing development
In all we do at Shire Christian School, we seek to fulfil our mission to educate students for a life of learning, service and purpose, to the Glory of God. We strive for our students to know their purpose as uniquely gifted and created children of God; to become lifelong passionate and curious learners that have an unquenchable thirst for learning and to humbly serve others just as Christ first served us (Mark 10:45). As we do this, we do it all to the Glory of God.
Learning for Life enables and empowers us to achieve this bold mission.

Learning truly is for life as students craft their abilities to be resourceful, resilient, reflective, and relational learners who are renewed in and through Christ alone. Graduates of Shire Christian School possess a growth mindset and demonstrate a strong sense of self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, and a commitment to lifelong learning.
Moreover, Learning for Life embraces the pastoral and wellbeing development of our students. Tragically, in today’s society, 20% of young people have experienced high or very high psychological distress, one in six people have experienced serious thoughts about taking their own life and more than one in four females have self-harmed in their lifetime (ABS, 2022). Young people are also now spending an average of 14.4 hours each week online (eSafety Research, 2021) and there are steadily increasing reports of young people saying they ‘often feel very lonely’ (20%) (AIHW, 2021). The decline in mental health and wellbeing of children and young people is a major concern.
Stress is the toll that life takes on body and mind when the demands on us exceed the resources we have to cope (Claxton, 2018). Learning for Life will increase students’ capacity to respond to these levels of stress and build one’s ability to be resilient when confronted with challenge. Through Learning for Life, students become more empowered and develop a sense of self-efficacy. They have a heightened level of self-awareness which contributes to better emotional regulation and mental wellbeing. Learning for Life enhances ones’ resourcefulness and adaptability, translating into better coping skills. Furthermore, by fostering collaboration and reciprocal learning, social connections are strengthened, enhancing community, thus reducing a sense of isolation, and fostering a supportive network. A growth mindset helps learners to have a positive outlook on challenges that they confront.
In 2 Corinthians 5:17, we read; “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” Above all else, Learning for Life rejoices at the glorious gift that is in Christ alone. It is hope in Christ that brings all to a state of reconciliation and newness, for the old life has passed away and the new has come. Learning for Life will challenge students’ understandings of both God and themselves as they seek to be renewed citizens who encompass compassion, display humility, overflow with joy, and are forever forgiving, just as Christ first forgave them (see Ephesians 4:32).
Mr Peter Richardson
Head of Secondary School