Secondary Years 7–12
Co-curricular Activities
Students are encouraged to follow special interests outside of the mandated BOSTES program by participating in co-curricular activities.
Such participation helps students form a wider circle of friends and extend their own skills. Many of the activities are in some way team based, teaching valuable skills in working closely with others, while allowing students to experience the pleasure and power of good teamwork. The activities are an important part of the life of our school community.
Students are encouraged to participate in choirs, bands, orchestras and peripatetic music lessons and enjoy visits from international musicians and inter-school performance opportunities.
Sport includes swimming, athletics and cross-country carnivals, giving students opportunities to represent the school at zone and state carnivals.
A wide variety of gala days, including lesser known opportunities like horse riding, surfing competitions, golf and tennis competitions, occur across the year.
The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award
The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award program gives students the opportunity to complete their Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards, involving community service and field trips of an increasingly challenging nature.

Other Activities
Debating, Mock Trial and Theatre Sports teams enjoy success and build not only public speaking and problem solving skills, but also increase the confidence of participants.
CRU is the Crusader group meeting weekly for fellowship, to hear speakers and to discuss issues from a Biblical perspective.